Sunday, December 20, 2015

Tropical Perm!

Merry Christmas, all! Before I forget, for those of who that are signed up for automatic blog updates from me via your email, I want to let you know that there are no hard feelings if you don't want my updates anymore. I don't know if you can unsubscribe yourself or if you need me to do it for you. Just let me know and I will. I recognize that I'm not in the Peace Corps anymore, so the subjects of my blog posts may not appeal to you anymore. 

Anyways, for my Christmas present to myself, I got my hair permed yesterday. I feel that I just have to blog about this because a) I have never gotten a perm before and b) I don't know the process in the USA, but my experience was just too funky not to share!

Step 1: wash your hair and start to roll. She pulled out a piece and spread a gel on it, which you can see to the far, far left. Then you roll it up. 
You get these awesome felt pieces so that when the hair is heated up later, you will not get burned. 
That one little curl on top, haha! 
Then, the little curl on top got its own shower cap!
Next, you plug each individual curler in with its own black electrical cord, which leads to a sci-fi movie look! You wait for your hair to heat up to 248 degrees F, about 30 minutes, and then the machine shuts off. 
Clearly, I thought this whole thing was pretty funny. After the curls cool down, about another 20 minutes, she takes them out and dabs more chemicals on the rollers.  I got to wear this fashionable purple towel! 
Then you hang out while the chemicals dry.  Finally, you take out the curlers and wash your hair again. The final step is leaning back in a regular chair in a most uncomfortable neck position while the hairdresser squats down behind you to blow dry your hair over the back of the chair. 
The woman behind the magic! 
Not sure if the color looks lighter because I'm outside, or because of the chemicals??? 
Miss Mela is my coworker who got a perm a few months ago and it was so beautiful on her that I was inspired to try it! 

Total process: 600,000 Rp ($43) and 3 hours!