Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Sometimes it just works out

Being a teacher is not always fun or easy, but sometimes you get a performance test idea and it goes way better than expected!

We have been studying the road to democracy in England (focusing on Queen Victoria), the aftermath of the French Revolution, and German unification. I asked them to write a poem or a song about one of these things, and this is what I got earlier today...

Otto von Bismarck, unified Germany

First guys' group:

Deutchland uber alles
Even when divided by walls
When the Holy Roman Empire falls
There was no united Germany at all

But along came a leader with enough balls (Sorry, Miss Sarah)
To hear the German people’s calls
Otto von Bismarck
To war he embarks
‘stache greater than the beard of Marx

Secretly hilarious but I had to say, "Guys, come on..."

One of the girls presented alone:


Queen Victorian, the longest reigning queen ever...until Queen Elizabeth II ,
who is beating Queen Victoria by a few months now!

This performance was complete with the 2 girls popping open a paper British flag that
had a big "Long live the queen!" written in the middle!
We did not learn about any of these, but I'm glad that they did extra research, I suppose! 


This refers to the Committee of Public Safety and the Reign of Terror

 I beamed through the whole 45 minute class. They do a lot to raise my spirits some days!