Monday, August 27, 2012

Words of Wisdom from a Kentuckian

Many of you know that I was rather disappointed that PC Indonesia isn't the roughin' it that I thought it'd be, so I was really encouraged to come across this quote on Will and Amy's blog:

"A country that is on the developmental rise like Indonesia isn't exactly a stereotypical Peace Corps country; which makes this such an exciting time to be here as the students that we are teaching have greater opportunities than ever before in this country and places an even great importance on learning English."

- Will Glasscock, PCV Indonesia 2012-2014

Semangat, all! (Have spirit!)

Some shots of proof that Indonesia is not the middle-of-nowhere, 
I'm-living-in-a-dirt-hut PC location. 

Batu's Wheel of Fortune...will it break or won't it as you ride??? 

My cushy livin' space, though I did recently just learn of my roommates, bedbugs. Already de-bugged yesterday!

PC Indonesia = TV and video games. Carrie knows all about the role of television in developing countries!!!

This business follows me everywhere! 

Mall of America or the Tunjungan Plaza in Surabaya, Indonesia? 


  1. Thanks for the shout-out, Sarah! We love keeping up with your blog. Hope to see you again soon.

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