Hello all!
It's been a busy week!
Mr. Viky and I take a selfie. |
The sister school to the church that I'm volunteering at has two classes of 10th graders. One class is the King class, and the other class is the Sung class. Students get to decorate their own rooms. As in my school in Peace Corps, here the teachers come to the students' classroom, not vice versa. |
What is society? |
Mawar Sharon Christian School (MSCS) has a lot of administrative procedures for how to prep for a class. Lesson plans for an entire quarter are due technically before the term starts, but teachers are about a week behind on that. Before teachers hand out any assignments, worksheets, projects, tests, quizzes, note sheets, or anything to students, they have to show it to the head of SH curriculum, then get her stamp of approval, then it takes 2 days for it to be photocopied. This means that the last minute lesson planning lifestyle is not allowed. It's for the best, though!
Literally, the stamp of approval. |
I also moved into my apartment and can finally walk around in my short shorts and tank tops without fear of being seen! Though last night, I did go take out the trash in some questionably skimpy outfit, and of course was seen by 4 people in the 10 seconds I was out of my room. Sheesh!
I arrived here with 4 bags, and in 2 weeks, I acquired! Both those in the foreground and background are mine. |
Ms. Lies (pronounced Lease) modeling the view from the 19th floor, my new apartment! |
Ta-dah! A panoramic of my apartment, from where I am sitting on the bed. |
Amidst all the chaos of moving and having no transportation (more on that in another post, though it's worked out for the next month, don't worry!), my free time on the weekends is spent with Vallen.
There is no better place to find a giant, lit peacock than at Surabaya Night Carnival! |
I'm not oddly sunburned, it's the shadow of my camera while I'm taking a picture. |
Watching a 5 minute 3D movie before going into my first haunted house. Nothing jumped out and me but I still hated it. |
He also took me shopping to get things for the kitchen, and then shopped for some rings himself! |
Big rings are all the rage for bapaks (old guys) in Indonesia now, and I suppose Vallen, at age 30, is on the cusp of being old? Hahaha. One of my other friends asked me to bring back a bunch of rocks for him to tumble into stones and then sell for the rings, and Vallen wanted to check them out. |
As advised by my new pastor (also an American) at "International Christian Assembly", Vallen took me to get bread and, well, chocolate, at a bakery. Real French bread, hooray! |
Below, you can see photos of when I went shopping with Miss Meyta. She is a new staff member at MSCS. She just graduated from a branch of Alabama University that is located, of all places, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She is 22, and she is a crucial part of the Student Support Services. She will help with counseling and the Life Skills class.
Miss Mey buying snacks for us! |
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